The Colour of Place

9th November 2024

Colour is a language. Colour is a means of dialoguing with the seasons & the landscape. When we work with natural pigments we come into direct relationship with Place, with land. 

In her book ‘Book of Earth’, Heidi Gustaffson shares:

“Modern humans exist in an ancient lineage of ochre pigment gathering, processing, and use—without which we likely would not behave or think or, most importantly, imagine or create how we currently do…Our ancestors seem to need ochre to metabolise their existence”

At Hedge School, we believe that when human’s make contact with wild pigments alchemy happens; in making marks with Earth & wild pigments we metabolize elements of our existence, our histories, our stories in a way that can’t be met by shop bought paints. 

Join Hannah-May in the Wilds of West Yorkshire, for a day of learning to be with Wild Pigments.

Play with hand made organic tools, botanical inks, locally foraged & sourced ochres.

Drink locally foraged medicinal teas and steep the sensorium in The Colour of Place. 

All materials provided.